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Dr. Redwood

Dr. Gordon

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Our Physicians:

Dr Redwood:

Dr. Redwood specializes in minimally invasive diseases of the male and female urinary tract. He is currently Chief of Urology at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore and received his medical degree from Brown University. Dr. Redwood was a pioneer in developing laparoscopic techniques in urologic surgery. The procedures that he helped champion include: laparoscopic nephrectomy, which is a minimally invasive way to remove the kidney, laparoscopic bladder neck suspension for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection for the staging of prostate and bladder cancers, and finally, laparoscopic varicocelectomy for the treatment of male factor infertility. Dr. Redwood is intimately involved with “The Cancer Center at Sinai” and offers the latest comprehensive management techniques for the treatment of urologic malignancies. These include: DaVinci minimally invasive robotic surgery and radiation options with Cyberknife and treatment for low-stage prostate cancer. In addition, Dr. Redwood retains his professorship in urology at the University of Maryland.




Dr Gordon:

Dr. Gordon specializes in neuromuscular disorders of the pelvis in both men and women. He received his medical degree from the Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and after completing his urologic residency studied neuro-urology and urodynamics at The University of Pennsylvania, also in Philadelphia. Dr. Gordon treats complex problems of the bladder and pelvic floor such as urinary incontinence and pelvic pain, especially as they relate to those patients with underlying neurologic diseases. He is working with LifeBridge Health to build a comprehensive center dedicated to Pelvic Neuroscience within the Center for Urologic Specialties & Sandra & Malcom Berman Brain & Spine Institute at LifeBridge. Patients will have access to the latest research trials dealing with the nerves and muscles of the pelvis as well as cutting edge interventional therapies such as spinal cord stimulation, sacral root neuromodulation and Botulinium Toxin (BoTox) Injections. He is finishing his third paperback book dealing with bladder disorders and also is a professor in Urology at the University of Maryland.









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